Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Vast Texas Plains....

Here in north Texas, we have an abundance of wildlife. Our neighborhood teems with all manner of native critters. We even see bobcats a couple of times a year, along with coyotes, rabbits (we counted 19 on one of our morning walks), squirrels, racoons, and birds of every description.

I wrote the following poem as a tribute to the native coyotes, longhorn steers and, of course, our cowboys, who maintain order on the wild and wooly plains. Read the poem slowly, out loud. I had particular fun with the way the words roll and rhyme. I hope you like it.

The Vast Texas Plains

On the vast Texas plains the coyote reigns
And the longhorns bellow and bawl.
As the wind's wild refrains howl a hymn 'cross the plains,
On the vast Texas plains the coyote reigns,
And the cowboy maintains with his brawn and his brains
A semblance of order for all.
On the vast Texas plains the coyote reigns,
And the longhorns bellow and bawl.
(C) 2006 Clint Ellison


  1. Glad to see this poem again, always loved the lines "bellow and bawl".

    Such talent...happy you are using it.

  2. I do like it, very much. I love writing poems too...so does my mother, she writes them all the time. This one is great -great photos too! I've only been to TX once (ouside of Dallas) for work and we had a nice time!

  3. Beautiful photos of your country and the wildlife
    there in Texas...

