Saturday, August 28, 2010

Honor, Courage, Leadership, Greatness, Humility

Without question, one of the greatest military leaders this country has ever produced is Robert E. Lee of Virginia.
He was born at Stratford Hall, Virginia. He is buried at the Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia. The journey between his birth and death is the stuff of legend.
At West Point, he was never charged with a demerit. That alone is incredible. He was a hero of the Mexican War. He released the slaves his family owned long before the War Between the States, thus showing the way to a troubled country.
In the Civil War, his leadership and generalship were unprecedented. Against all odds, time after time, he led his ragged army to victory after victory.
After the war, this great man strove to heal the wounds of four bitter years of destruction.

He loved God, Virginia, the South and the United States of America.

He was universally loved.

I mention General Lee today because it is said that he is barely mentioned in the textbooks of our schoolchildren. Political Correctness, I guess.

The snapshots shown here are General Lee the soldier; His final resting place at the College of Washington & Lee; and the famous marble carving over his grave, a masterpiece by the sculptor, Edward Valentine.

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