Thursday, June 30, 2011

Do This For Yourself.......

I Wanna Look Like John!
After beginning to settle in from our move to Knoxville, I began  looking around for a workout facility.  Over the years, I have   belonged to a number of such gyms, and while the results in terms of weight loss and muscle building have always been good, other factors often spoil the experience.
Workout Anytime!  24/7.......No Contracts.......$15 a Month
For one, these spas require that a contract be signed.  This is problematic, because something may arise that prohibits you from continuing your membership.  In such a case, you are out a good piece of change.
John's Beautiful Workout Batmobile
Also, if you want to work out at 10:15 PM, and the facility's hours are from 5:00 AM to 9:30 PM, you are out of luck, because the spa will be closed when you need it.  Or, if you want to work out on a holiday, and they are closed that day, you are again out of luck.

Weight Training Equipment
In addition, most of these workout clubs charge between $30---$60 a month for a membership---not a small amount.

And More Equipment
So, I was shocked when I ran across a workout facility near our home called "Workout Anytime".  This club is open 24/7.  When you join, you are given your own personalized key.  You can literally go there at any time, day or night, and let yourself in to work out at your convenience.

And More, and More........
Also, there is no contract to sign that locks you into anything.  And, my friends, the kicker here is that it only costs $15 per month to belong.  To put this in perspective....there is a pizza shop three or four doors down from this workout facility.  Their large, everything-on-it pizza costs $15.  Now, which is the best deal?---a pizza that will be gone in one meal, or being able to do something very good for your body every day for a month?  Kinda' a no-brainer.

Some of the Free Weights
This facility is owned by John Heifner.  John is a bodybuilder.  John builds his body without steroids.  All natural.  Good, wholesome food and disciplined workouts using cardio and weight training.  John is quick to point out that Jesus pilots his boat, and that the success of his business is due to his focus on God and following His leadings. 

Cardio Users Can Watch Any of Five Flat Screen TVs
John is a Registered Nurse, and for 18 years he rose through the ranks at Fort Sanders Regional Hospital, finally in the position of director over the Emergency Room, ICU and Respiratory Therapy.

A Few of John's Bodybuilding Trophies
But something was always on John's mind---the hospital was good at treating ill patients, but---like all hospitals---was not very good at prevention of health problems.

More of John's Trophies

John decided to try to help in that regard.  Several months ago he opened the Powell, Tennessee location of Workout Anytime.  So far, he has enrolled customers at a record pace.  When asked how he has accomplished such great numbers of enrollees, he shrugs and says "I haven't done anything more than anyone else in my position would do.......I am here most of the time, and I am friendly......but really, I look to God for guidance.  He is the One who gets all the credit."  Wow!---that's pretty darn refreshing to hear in this world of inflated egos and arrogance.

Now You Know Why John is Smiling
So far, after belonging to this club for about 5 weeks, I have experienced a consistent weight loss.  My muscle tone is very good.  I am building muscle mass in my upper body.  I feel really good, with more energy than ever.
If you're not working out now---this is the time to begin!


  1. Wow !
    Good luck with your workouts, we have one of these 24/7 anytime gyms in our town, and people seem to love it.

  2. I spent a large portion of my life in a gym. I worked out in them, ran them, and even owned one. I was a competitive figure bodybuilder and everything that went along with that. And frankly, I will be happy to never see one again :) Even too much of a good thing is too much.

  3. and i just at a cheeseburger at 5 guys, burgers & fries... damn...

  4. What a wonderful story! I love hearing about God's work in the field. I'm glad you found the place and that you are working on staying healthy.

  5. You did a great job on the blog! Ditto for everything you said. I know it has already changed my life, I am feeling so much better ... physically and mentally. John has a great business and it is so wonderful to see all ages in there working out to improve their health!

    BTW, John has placed first in many Tenneesee state competitions!

  6. Good for you, not going to the pizza shop.
    Loved the story and the pictures were excellent.
    Good luck.

  7. Clint he should hire you as a spokesperson for Workout Anytime..........wonderful infomercial.
    Wonderful testimony to the Lord.
    Carol B.

  8. This is great Clint and Cindy! Hope it continues to go well for you. Congrats! I smile too because of God's guidance : )

  9. Mention to John that Arkansas could use such a program. We had a much smaller version that was 24/7 but the owner was convicted of selling steroids to high schoolers. That was when I bought my own treadmill. I am so pleased for you that you have found such a great place to go. Keep up the good work.
    Arkansas Patti

  10. Hi Clint -

    I really enjoyed this tour of your workout place and the story about John - especially that He serves our Lord and gives GOD the glory for his business success. That photo of him glows - it is obvious that it comes from within him because he abides in our Lord.!

    Now...can I expect to one day turn on my T.V. and see you entered in one of those body building contests? I'm just saying...smiles

  11. So... you must be skipping the Pizza place??? I find that weight loss is about 80% what I put in my mouth...10% exercise and 10% genetic??
    But...that being said... I exercise to some degree 6 days a week...
    Great story sounds like a perfect place to work out.... to bad it wasn't closer!!

  12. Long time ago I also went to a workout place, and it was fun and so good for my body and health. Now I am a little bit lazy, I have to kick myself to do some workout.

    But one thing: workout is good, but to look like John is a little bit to much....

    Have fun at the place but take care of yourself


  13. What a wonderful find in a health club.


  14. Wow, this is an amazing! John sounds like a fantastic man with a huge heart...and huge biceps! :-) We could use gyms like this in Alberta. I hope John reads this, you have done a magnificent blog about his gym. Good for you to be working out and congrats on the weight loss!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  15. I can really tell that John loves Jesus, and that is why he does those unselfish ways to make his gym available to others. Jesus has taught him the business strategy, and at the same time enables him to share his resources and know how from the largeness of his heart.

    What a great testimony.

    And what a great post this is that you have done, Mr. Clint. Really a very well written one.

    Thank you for the encouragement!


  16. I don't necessarily want to look like John...but I like looking AT him :)

    Great post and testimonial about the business and the fact that it's success is attributed to God first.

    Hope you and Cindy both continue to find a blessing in your activity!!

  17. What a great bloke!!
    And so good to his customers.. You have sold him and his Gym. Wish I lived closer. I see you are getting happier and happier about your move to Knoxville.

  18. This is awesome! Glad you found sucha great place. we aren't so lucky here :)

    Happy Holiday weekend!

  19. Is walking 3 to 4 miles a day considered working out?

    Me and John look like twins! In my dreams! :-)

    Have a great 4th of July :-)

    ~John.... Ron

  20. I'll have to tell Scott about this place. He would love it. Do you know if he plans on opening any others in town? Particularly in West Knoxville?

    Aww, Ft. Sanders is where Scott and Jasmyne were born. Neat.

    Wow, you are great advertisement for this guy! He ought to give you a free month just for this post, lol!

  21. How very interesting. I wish him continued success with his business. I hope you have a great holiday. Blessings...Mary

  22. Looks like you are settling in to the Knoxville area very well. Glad to hear it.

  23. Awww, how awesome. The only gym I ever belonged to was very expensive with a contract. Now in the town I'm in I'm not aware of anything but Curves gym.

  24. wow - I hope John is giving you a free membership for all the free advertising--your yard looks suspiciously like mine-plush-all the rain this year.I THING i DID LIKE IN OUR SHORT STAY IN MY HUSBANDS HOMELAND-[ KY----HA,HA ] WAS TO VISIT AND DRIVE THROUGH A HOLLER

